Sunday 14 March 2010

Jodi Picoult Reading Challenge 2010

Well, I've never done this before.  I admit it I'm a challenge virgin but I love Jodi Picoult's books and find them so thought provoking so I decided to join in with this challenge hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books.

Here's what she says about the challenge:

So, I have an entire shelf of my bookcase devoted to Jodi Picoult books.  I think there are 15 books on it!  Yikes!  So, I've decided to do a Jodi Picoult reading challenge in 2010.  My goal is to pare down this shelf by half, so I want to read at least 8 of the books.  I'll keep track here of my progress and the books I've read!  

I'm not sure if there is much interest from other readers and I've never hosted a reading challenge, so this is more of a personal challenge for me.  If anyone else is interested in participating, please post a link to your challenge post in Mr. Linky and we can connect as we read her books!  I also have no expertise or graphic design knowledge, so I'm clueless about making a fun little challenge badge.  If anyone is so inclined, I would be most appreciative!!

Come join me as we read some in-depth, thought-provoking Jodi Picoult books in 2010!  Just commit to reading at least one of her books and you can join in the challenge!  No other rules!  :)

I'm going to aim to read and review five of Jodi Picoult's books - check out the challenge and join in - it's a good one.  

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